Create Clickwrap

Creates a new test or live Clickwrap in the Valtt system.

Create Clickwrap


This endpoint accepts clickwrap data, creates a clickwrap fingerprint, and stores the clickwrap fingerprint and data. After it is recorded a backend process starts and records the clickwraps on the Blockchain. The Blockchain recording process does not happen for test data or clickwraps created by Starter Plan accounts. To save test data, use a TEST API Key. To save live data, use a LIVE API Key. A success response will indicate the type of data that was stored.


Request Body

    "status": "success",
    "unique-user-id": "",
    "clickwrap-fingerprint": "2c4ba2bbdj322sdsdf323asa3ls0lad034ldss26b5d22f583ff33712ad4b9dbda",
    "test-data": "n",
    "time_gmt": "2020-07-21 22:49:28"

Example cURL Request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic dmtfdGVzdF8xYjFhNGRjODE6OWJmNmU3YTM1ODgyOGQ2YTZiZWUyNWNmMmNmMjBlMjJiZjU2MjQ2ZDAwMmM0ODZiZTE0M2IyYTkwNTU2MmUwMTc4MjI3ODNkNTM1ZjYw' \
--form '' \
--form 'Agreement-ID=4EE12385FBF002722150959733C50176DD33F3584590223332DB27AEFC44DCEF7' \
--form 'User-Agent-Info=Mac;Chrome v17;' \
--form 'IP-Address=' \
--form ''

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