
Valtt Developer Documentation

Getting Started

Welcome to Valtt's Developer Documentation. Within these docs you will find an overview of how Valtt works, how to use our valtt.js / website code, and how to use our REST API. If at any point you need help, please reach out to us at Support@Valtt.com


The Valtt system is based around Agreements and Clickwraps. An Agreement is comprised of the following: a name or title, a version, the actual text of the agreement, and some specific settings that define how the agreement will be presented. A Clickwrap is the set of data that together proves that your user agreed to your Agreement at a specific time and date. At a high level, it works like this: create an Agreement, lock the Agreement, set the Agreement as active, paste the code on to your website or use the API, and start collecting clickwraps. Under the definitions below we will go in to detail on how this process works.


Active Agreement a setting on an Agreement that allows it to start accepting Clickwraps, and causes the Agreement to count towards your allowed active agreement total. Agreement Button Class the CSS class that determines how the "Agree" button looks when it is presented on your website. This only applies to the valtt.js / Website Code. If you use the API this setting is ignored. Agreement Callback Element ID this is a hidden input field that is initially set to "n" and updated to "y" once a Clickwrap has been successfully recorded. You can use this to check before allowing your user to move forward to ensure that they have clicked agree and agreed to your agreement. Agreement Certificate the certificate that explains and proves that an Agreement was locked at a certain time and date. Agreement Link Class the CSS class that determines how the link to the text of your Agreement will look when it is presented on your website. This only applies to the valtt.js / Website Code. If you use the API this setting is ignored. Agreement Text Class the CSS class that determines how the text will look when it is presented on your website. This only applies to the valtt.js / Website Code. If you use the API this setting is ignored. Clickwrap Certificate the completed certificate that shows proof that your user has agreed to a certain Agreement at a certain time and date. Fingerprint (Agreement or Clickwrap) this is a 64 digit code that uniquely represents an Agreement or a Clickwrap. It is created by taking either the text of the agreement or the data collected for the Clickwrap and creating a one-way hash of the information. Locked Agreement a setting on an Agreement that prevents further editing of the name, version, and text of the agreement. Once an agreement is locked it is fingerprinted and the fingerprint is stored on the Blockchain (except for the Starter (free) Plan). The locking of an Agreement (along with the Agreement Fingerprint and storing that fingerprint on the Blockchain) prove that the Agreement that was agreed to in a Clickwrap has not changed.

How it Works

Step 1 Create an account at Valtt. Step 2 Login to the Valtt Dashboard and click Create Agreement on the main Dashboard page. Step 3 Fill in all the details for your Agreement. Fill in the CSS class details if you know them, otherwise they can be left blank. Step 4 Once you are done editing your Agreement details, click on the lock switch at the bottom of the Agreement edit page. Then click Update Agreement. NOTE: Skip step 5 if you are using the Valtt API to connect. Step 5 Once the agreement is locked you can click on the "Get Code" button on the bottom of the page when editing an Agreement. You will need to dynamically update the hidden text field called "valtt-unique-user-id". This field uniquely identifies which user agreed to your agreement. Copy this code on to your website, and add additional code that updates the unique user ID field and checks the clickwrap-complete hidden field for the value of "y" before allowing your user to continue. Step 6 Click on Clickwraps on the left menu in the Valtt Dashboard to see or search for users who have agreed to your agreement.

Last updated

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